A two-bladed, twin-engine helicopter, the Maverick was manufactured in Canada, but you shouldn't let that put you off. Originally designed for military use, when the army rejected them for looking too "French", they became hugely popular with rich social climbers for exactly the same reason. Used by law enforcement for surveillance operations, you'll often see them hovering above inner city African American neighborhoods. Billion candlepower spotlight and loudspeaker optional, but trust us, it's fun to play with over poor neighborhoods at night.
Vehicle statistics
Speed : 76.751122%
Acceleration : 92.85714%
Brake : 100%
Agility : 90.384605%
Overall : 90%
Top speed160 km-h / 99.42 mph
Mass6500 kg / 14330 lbs
Seating capacity4 seats
Delivery service Interaction menu and Pegasus
Available on these platforms
The Buckingham Maverick is a 4 seater vehicle in the "Helicopters" class available in Grand Theft Auto Online on PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. This vehicle is part of the game since it's release.
The top speed of the Buckingham Maverick is 160 km-h / 99.42 mph based on the data in the game files. The weight of this vehicle is 6500 kg / 14330 lbs.
How to get your Buckingham Maverick?
You can buy the Buckingham Maverick at a cost of $ 780 000 at Elitás Travel. Use these delivery services to get your Buckingham Maverick close to you : interaction menu or pegasus.
Where do I go to get mods on my Buckingham Maverick?
You can get modifications on your Maverick in your Hangars, Avenger or Mobile Operations Center if you have bought all the requirements needed to customize this vehicle there.
- Flying vehicle
- Hover mode
- Rappelling